Today the KamAZ plant was on fire in Yar Challi

The plant management said that “garbage” was burning. After all, there is always garbage that burns at every plant, right? Especially in the strategic sector, where military equipment is made. J

It is strange: exemplary cleanliness and order are near the plant, the lawns are trimmed, the sidewalks are swept, and the plant, obviously, has accumulated multi-ton deposits of flammable waste and various garbage. Well, for such management of the important facility, the plant management should be kicked out of their positions! Putin, Shoigu! Where is sanitary and environmental safety at the strategic enterprise?!! J

We need more information about what is happening in the military-industrial complex and, in general, about important events in the life of the republics. We cannot yet be omnipresent and have eyes and ears everywhere, but we strive for this in the future.

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