The rally in honor of Хәтер көне was banned by the Kazan mayor’s office
Activists of the Azatlyk movement wanted to gather 100 people on October 15 in Tinchurin Square or near the theater named after Kamal in honor of Remembrance Day, but on October 6, one of the activists received by post a refusal to hold the event. Allegedly, the application was submitted too late, although in fact it was strictly as it should be – 10 days before the start of the event.
At the same time, they allowed to hold the religious procession. Also, movies from the Russian Orthodox Church will be shown in Kazan cinemas.
«И балалар, балалар,
Таш каланы алалар,
Сез каласыз ятим…»
The government of Tatarstan in exile calls on all Tatars and supporters of the decolonization of the Russian totalitarian under-federation to come out on October 15 to a rally in different parts of the world – wherever it is possible.
The Tatar people should show the world and, above all, themselves that they still exist and are not going so easily to give up and disappear into oblivion. Each of the Tatars should always remember and convey to their children the methods by which the “unified” Russian state was created.
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