The narrowest country in the world celebrates Independence Day

The narrowest country in the world celebrates Independence Day

In 1978, the population of Tuvalu voted to secede from Britain. With an area of only 26 km2, where there are absolutely no fossil natural resources, and low tourist attractiveness, the inhabitants of Tuvalu still wanted to be masters of their home, and not depend on the imperial metropolis and the whims of the conquerors.

The Tuvalians were not stopped even by the danger of their islands being flooded. The islands and atolls of this Polynesian country are located extremely low relative to the level of the World Ocean – a rise of several centimeters in water levels due to melting glaciers during global warming will completely destroy this country.

🔘 They were also told that they could not live without the resources of the entire empire and that they would ask to accept them back.

🔘 They were also told that if they would leave the protection of the empire, they would immediately be captured by other countries. From the very beginning of independence, Tuvalu does not even have an army, but no one thought of capturing it.

🔘 They were also told that independence would bring such poverty that the entire population would simply emigrate somewhere. But Tuvalu population is growing steadily, despite existing emigration – from 9,561 people in 2002 to 11,900 people in 2021.

🔘 They were told that due to independence there would be famine, but now the agricultural sector in Tuvalu provides income to the state budget, despite the low fertility of saline soils.

Despite everything, the Tuvalians not only declared their independence, but they also enshrined in their Constitution the clause that their country will continue to exist even when the Tuvalu archipelago is completely flooded – they will acquire new lands for themselves in larger countries or create a floating state.

The national language is spoken by 93% of the population, excluding Samoans and Kiribati.

The only reminder of the occupation left in Tuvalu is the British flag present on the national flag yet. Over time, it will be removed as well.

Now compare all these conditions with those that we have in the Idel-Ural republics.


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