The daughter of an Elabuga deacon converted to Islam – now she would be called a national traitor, an inkwell (a woman who is or was in relationships with representatives of other races) and a Russophobe

A 20-year-old student of the Diocesan School voluntarily married Abdurrahman Zagidulla uly Mulin, a merchant from Yar Chally. She spoke words of testimony, announcing her acceptance of Islam.
Her father and Vechtomov, the archpriest of Elabuga, came to her to return her home using the carrot and stick method, but the young woman refused. The groom’s father returned from the Hajj and blessed the young couple. The merchant’s house of this family has survived to this day.
Akhund al-Masgudi
“Nur”, 1910, No. 186
And this is a mushaf in the Tokyo edition, which was given to her by Muslim parishes in Japan. Her name was Sabira (Lydia, daughter of Alexander Zubarev, the deacon of the Sarapul diocese of the Elabuga vicariate February 29, 1892).
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