Tatarstan government in exile announced its goals: independence, control over the military, fair elections

The Tatar-Bashkir Editorial Office of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty published the address of the Tatarstan government in exile. The Tatar language document consists of the famous Tatar activists addresses both to the republics’ elites and to the residents of Tatarstan.
We publish the full text of the document, translated from the Tatrtar language.
It’s high time for resolute actions!
For 16 days the Russian troops have not managed to break down the resistance of Ukraine. The whole world is witnessing the dishonor of war crimes and flagrant weakness of the army of the nominally super powerful country. The Russian generals rush their soldiers to their certain death hiding a true scale of losses.
The Russian Federation throws the sons of the nations enslaved by Russia into the sanguinary slaughter together with the Russians. Extremely revealing was the fact that the first officially recognized dead Russian soldier was Gadzhimagomedov, the native of Dagestan. Now noone is able to tell us the exact number of all those Dagestanis, Tatars and Russian muslim people, who gave up their young lives for the butchery empire.
At the same time, the Putin’s regime doomed those soldiers’ mothers, sisters and widows to a wretched existence as the Russian economy will have to account severely for the international crime of aggression.
This people’s war is liberating and righteous for Ukraine. Ukrainians have been fighting like lions and the whole civilized world stands by their side. A great number of Muslims and Tatars have been defending their land together with other citizens of Ukraine. Mufti Said Ismahilov, the native Tatar as well, on behalf of Ukrainian Muslims urged fellow Muslims in Russia to rebel.
Representatives of the Free Idel-Ural movement, living in Ukraine, are fighting against the Russian invasion using their own flag. Thanks to this handful of fighters, there is hope that despite immense sufferings inflicted on Ukraine by the invaders, friendly relations between Kyiv and Kazan are still possible in the future.
The Tatarstan government in exile, which received a representative mandate from the Milli Mejlis in its homeland back in 2008, appeals to the government authorities and state officials of the Idel-Ural republics:
1. Think rationally. Moscow has committed political and military suicide. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are close to total defeat. Russia’s collapse is imminent.
2. It is not too late to publicly dissociate yourselves from Kremlin policy and condemn Putin’s actions.
3. Your words of remorse, despair, and condemnation after the collapse of the regime will be meaningless. You will be sanctioned. Being silent now, you deprive yourself and your children of the future.
We appeal to the citizens of Tatarstan. The Russian Federation default is imminent. In the next few months Moscow will have grave issues with paying not only pensions, but even the salaries of the riot police and the Rosgvardia. Putin will be ousted from power and the Tatarstan leadership will try to switch sides. We will hear from Minnikhanov, Mukhametshin and other acolytes of Moscow such statements that now seem incredible to us. But it will be too late.
Therefore, it is crucial to organise a strong nationwide movement, the objectives of which will be:
А. Declaring Independence of the Republic of Tatarstan, secession from the Russian Federation.
B. Subordinating all security agencies and military organizations in Tatarstan to the government authorities of the republic.
С. Holding fair and democratic elections of the President and Parliament of Tatarstan.
Despite personal grudges, injustice, or even hatred towards the current leadership of Tatarstan, it is important to ensure safety and security of families of Minnikhanov, Mukhmaetshin and all officials who will publicly accept and proceed to implement points A, B, and C.
Victory will be ours! Our goal is independence!
Vil Mirzayanov, Prime Minister of Independent Tatarstan in exile, USA;
Rafis Kashapov, Deputy prime minister of the government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, UK;
Nafis Kashapov, Deputy Prime Minister of the government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, Poland.
Supported by:
Rosa Kurban, literary scholar, Turkey;
Kamil Sukayev, the representative of Free Idel-Ural, USA;
Abbas Usman, the Tatar national movement Vatançı, Turkey.
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