Bloody March of 1935… Or the tragedy of the Mokshan people

We are publishing an article sent to us by Chovganon Donisi, PhD (Historical Sciences), head of the Committee of the Moksha People Representatives (in exile), director of the Anatoly Ryabov Center for Finno-Ugric Studies.
“Before the eyes of civilized Europe, the bloody ghosts of Karelians, Ingrians, Vepsians, Udmurts, Maris, Erzyans and Mokshans emerge from their graves. They roam the expanses of the continent up to the deserts of Afghanistan and Turkestan, exhausted by hunger, cold and red terror. And the only countries in the world where you can’t tell the truth or speak badly about the current rulers of Moscow are the Soviet Empire and Finland, the citation from the speech of the people’s deputy from the “Patriotic People’s Movement” faction, Lutheran pastor and veteran of several wars against the Bolsheviks, Elias Simojoki in front of the Suomi Parliament in the spring of 1935.
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