Putin has rejected his generals’ claim for retreat from Kherson — The New Youk Times

The war correspondent and journalist Arkadiy Babchenko has numerously said that Kherson will become a new “Stalingrad” where the role of Paulus’ tank army will be played by russhist soldiers.
Still, there is one nuance: Paulus’ army was not prohibited to retreat. Though it was defeated, that was because of the headquarters’ mistakes and miscounts but not because they were just left as the orks are now being left to perish near Kherson.
For good reason the bloody marshal Zhukov is one of Putin’s idols.
Zhukov: Why should we give arms to those khokhols (Ukrainians)? Women will be get more of them.
Putin: Why should we give arms to those aborigens? Women will be get more of them.
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