Пурне те уяв ячӗпе, Чӑваш Республикин кунӗ ячӗпе саламлатӑп!

The Chuvash Republic exists NOT thanks to Lenin, as Russia teaches us, but IN SPITE of it. Only thanks to the efforts and perseverance of the Chuvash nation, their desire to assimilate and disappear, Moscow had to make concessions. -It was only by their own will that the Chuvash were able to CHOOSE for themselves this form of statehood in the form of a Republic.
The process is not completed – the ancestors hoped that their own republic would be the guarantee of a happy life for subsequent generations of Chuvash. Not everyone realized at first how cruelly the bolsheviks had deceived them. Therefore, we should complete what we started – from the vassal state to the independent and sovereign state. The state in which no one can offend a person just because he is Chuvash. The state that has a future.
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