Minnikhanov is trying to intercept the honorary status of Putin’s beloved wife from Khabirov

Minnikhanov is trying to intercept the honorary status of Putin’s beloved wife from Khabirov

The Washington Post, citing a senior military official whose name has not been released, writes that a plant for the production of Iranian drones could be built in Tatarstan.

“A senior military official, citing intelligence intercepts, said Iran had agreed to provide designs as well as technical supervision of a planned Russian drone factory expected to be located in Tatarstan,” the article says.

In fact, Tatarstan will receive international guarantees that the republic, even inside Russia, will be turned into an isolated sanctions cave. It must be understood that other Iranian specialists will come to Tatarstan with specialists in drones, who will increase the influence of the criminal Shiite regime in the Idel-Ural region. Projects of this kind always go together with the growing influence of intelligence, economic lobbying, and soft power in the fields of humanitarian politics and religion.


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