Khabirov will pay 1 million for a time capsule

Khabirov will pay 1 million for a time capsule

When the capsule is to be dug up in 2074 (50 years later), the descendants will be horrified by the cynicism of the occupation authorities of Bashkortostan, joyfully reporting to the future about how well everything is going for them and how they hope that the Bashkorts will forever remain in Russian slavery. After all, the children of those sent by Khabirov to the war will dig up the capsule. People who grew up without fathers. People who grew up in the already independent Bashkortostan. People who know how humanity appreciated the criminal war to which their fathers went.

The previous such time capsule was hidden in 1974. The message to descendants said about pride for the achievements in building the communist USSR, which, 50 years before the writing of this message, destroyed at the root the attempt of the Bashkorts to free themselves from the colonial oppression of Moscow and starved the parents of many of those who took part in the ceremony of laying the capsule.


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