Kadyrov made a video from the basement assuring that he is already in Ukraine
Pro-government Russian Telegram channels have published a two-minute video of a military meeting being held in the basement, in which Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov is participating. It is claimed that the recording was made on the territory of Ukraine – a few kilometers from Kyiv.
“Assistant to the Chechen Republic leader and head of his security bloc Daniil Martynov can be seen next to Ramzan Kadyrov. According to the available information, Martynov has been in Ukraine for the last two weeks,” the Telegram channel that published the video reported.
The video was filmed in a dark basement. The head of the Republic himself, who usually actively covers military operations conducted by the Chechen divisions in Ukraine, did not comment on the recording in any way, neither confirming nor denying his presence in Ukraine. However, the video was also published by the Chechen state television channel and Grozny radio broadcasting company.
There is information that yesterday a party of Kadyrov’s South and North battalions arrived in Ukraine and that a new party – Akhmad Kadyrov regiment, PCS members and some mercenaries – departed, as the 1ADAT movement in opposition to the Chechen authorities reported.
“We are processing the information that comes to us, and believe that Kadyrov is not in Ukraine, but he has just made another cheap video of his people who have arrived back in Chechnya from Ukraine. He is in a sealed room and does not show how they are devastating the Ukrainian people. There are no identifying points on the ground,” the movement explained.
Chechen blogger Tumso Abdurkhmanov believes that Ramzan Kadyrov can not take part in military operations because of the overwhelming fear he experiences on the battlefield. That is why Kadyrov will avoid fighting at all costs.
Recall that earlier Ramzan Kadyrov had taken part in a military photoshoot. In the photo he was seen wearing women’s shoes to compensate for his short stature.
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