“It is not enough to support the regionalists of the Russian Federation only by holding forums and conferences” – the statement by the Forum of the Free Peoples of Post-Russia
Here is the text in full.
It is necessary to work with citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the Russian Federation.
It is necessary to create conditions under which they simply should not have much choice but to do something to destroy the Russian Federation.
We need the work of Western intelligence services and the SSU, the training of sabotage groups, as well as ideological groups that will work on the territory of the Russian Federation with the local population. It is necessary to work with the local elites who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs or who have “weak points” – sins, participation in corruption schemes and other points that they would not like to make public.
The same should be done at lower levels. There is no need to shy away from such methods, as it is about maintaining the democratic system in the free world and the security of the free world.
It is necessary to create training camps for fighters who in the future will participate in the liberation of their regions.
It is necessary to invest certain funds in this, it is necessary to supply these groups with weapons, specialists from NATO and the Armed Forces of Ukraine should work with the fighters. And it is also necessary to create conditions in which the transition to the side of the civilized world will be beneficial for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, since these specialists will be more than useful for the liberation of the territories occupied by the Russian Federation, of course, simultaneously checking such volunteers for the possibility of throwing “moles”.
This is a long game, and the future and security of the free world is at stake.
We need to start now, when after the defeat in Kherson, the Russian Federation is weaker than ever, and the rating of the under-empire has collapsed below the plinth.
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