In Russia, Soviet-era military equipment is now being overhauled to be sent to the war in Ukraine. Hence shortly someone can carelessly smoke at the armor repair plant in Yekaterinburg

In Russia, Soviet-era military equipment is being upgraded to be sent to the war in Ukraine. Hence shortly someone can carelessly smoke at the armor repair plant in Yekaterinburg.
Russia lacks modern tanks to keep the field. The last-century military equipment inherited from the USSR is being hastily overhauled. Telegram channel “We can explain” (Mozhem obyasnit) has found out that the armor repair plant in Yekaterinburg is overhauling over 200 units of the outdated military equipment.
Two lots in the amount of over 85 million rubles have been released on a state procurement website where tank detail parts and other self-propelled armored fighting vehicles are indicated as the procurement item.
“Based on the documentation, the plant has to supply 53K units of equipment. Relying on the unit cost and the plant’s business profile, Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armor units are most likely to be shipped. The units purchased can provide armored protection for 230 tanks. The modern equipment has to be supplied with such units. So we are talking about the overhaul of 1970-1980 models not equipped with explosive reactive armor units (it prevents high-explosive antitank shell from burning the tank armor). Kontakt-1 is an outdated armor. Kontakt-5 was developed in 1985. Т-64M, Т-72BV, Т-72BU, Т-80U, UM, BM. А, Т-90М are already equipped with 4-generation Malakhit systems.”, the news report says.
“We can explain” concludes that heavy losses force the Russian Ministry of Defense to overhaul the outdated military equipment. Based on the General Staff data of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian army has lost 1092 tanks in 2 months (about 10% of the fieldable military equipment).
The Danish military analyst Alexander Oliver has recently pointed out Russia experiences the shortage in combat ready military equipment. He stressed that half of the equipment displayed at 2020 parade was used at this year’s Moscow parade. Specifically some modern tank models were not displayed.
However, the Kreml can be preparing for a long-term war trying to marshall all available resources. It is still unclear whether monument and museum tanks will be involved, but the “second world army” is preparing to fight using all available means.
One way or another, the Yekaterinburg armored tank plant can become the next venue where someone can carelessly smoke, since it is cheaper and easier to halt the Russian tanks in the conveyors than at the battle field.
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