How to enslave the already enslaved, or What do we celebrate?

How to enslave the already enslaved, or What do we celebrate?

I suggest

To melt Minin,


Why do they need a pedestal?

Praising two shopkeepers

Is enough for us,

October caught

Them behind the counters.

We didn’t break our necks


I know it would fit.

Big deal,

They saved Russia!

Or maybe it would be better not to save?

Jack Althausen

Why should the Idel-Ural celebrate today’s “Independence Day” from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, if the Idel-Ural has never depended on it?

But the empire imposes this here, because for it there is no the Idel-Ural and there are no national republics, but only “one and indivisible.”

Did “Independence Day” exist at all, or instead of a historical chance for freedom, the Muscovites again drove themselves and everyone around them into the despotism of autocracy?

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a union of three peoples, its monarchy was not absolute, and the decisions of the Senate (Seim) influenced the state more than the monarch. But it is presented to us as the “center of evil” on the Earth, from where the villains crawled in order to enslave Russia, which then was not even called Russia and did not know such a word.

How to enslave already enslaved?


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