From whom do Muslims of the Russian Federation need to protect their honor and property?
Voice of Islam continues to analyze the arguments the current and future Russian imams and muftis at the Russian Islamic Institute are stuffed with in the frameworks of the Formation of the All-Russian Civil Identity of Muslims in Russia course. We present their material in full.
So, since the Shariah recognizes such values (maqasids) identified by scientists as religion, life, property, safety of origin, reason, as well as honor, then, according to one of the lecturers, the Muslims of Russia, fighting against Ukraine, participate in Jihad for the protection of such maqasids as honor and property. Like, if Russia loses, its population will be humiliated and forced to pay reparations, that is, their property will be taken away from them.
That is, according to these lackeys of the Kremlin, when Muslims are raped and humiliated in other ways in the colonies in Russia for observing Islam, this does not require Jihad from its Muslims to protect their honor.
And when the courts forbid translations of the Koran and hadiths, collections of prayers and remembrance of Allah, Islamic literature, universally recognized and freely published in all normal countries, this also does not require Jihad from its Muslims to protect their honor.
And when they plant weapons, drugs and “extremist literature” and then beat them during arrest, put them on the floor with their hands tied and film it all with camera, showing Islamic preachers, students of knowledge, publishers on TV, this also does not require Jihad from its Muslims to protect their honor.
And when they forbidden, including in Muslim lands where observant Muslims live, for girls and young women to go to schools and institutes in a hijab, this also does not require Jihad from its Muslims to protect their honor.
But Jihad is required of Muslims to protect the honor of Putin, Medvedev, Solovyov and Simonyan, as well as Prigozhin and Surovikin, some of whom killed thousands of Muslims, while others ordered or justified it.
But Jihad is required from Muslims to protect the honor of Patriarch Kirill, Dugin, Malofeev and Strelkov, who are waging a war to officially turn Russia into an Orthodox state, in which Muslims will not only actually (as they are now), but also legally become second-class people.
And the same logic is proposed for the protection of property.
Jihad is not required from Muslims in Russia to stop the robbery of Muslim lands and the withdrawal of taxes from them to the Kremlin’s treasury, as well as the extraction of oil, gas and other natural resources by Russian companies.
And Jihad is not required of Muslims in Russia to prevent spending their taxes on the palaces of Putin, Medvedev and hundreds of other leaders of this regime, bathed in fabulous luxury when they collect money for cancer treatment abroad for children of this country.
And Jihad is not required from Muslims of Russia when the property of Muslims is taken away by demolishing the mosques they build on their land, as was the case with Artur Rusyaev, who was thrown into a colony and killed there for the protection of his and his co-religionists’ rights. And when this happened, Jihad was not required from Muslims either – and not only with a sword, but, God forbid, with a careless word.
But Jihad and spending of billions and billions are required to bomb Ukraine with expensive weapons and pay coffin allowances to those killed there – only for the sake of using those funds that will still go to putins, shoigus, prigogins, solovyovs, simonyans, etc. the criminals were not forced to compensate for all the damage that they and their accomplices from among such “Muslims” inflicted on the people of Ukraine, including its Muslims.
Oh, possessors of reason, is it necessary to waste time to dwell on the exposure of this absurdity, obvious to anyone who has even a grain of iman, as well as reason and honor?
No, really, it’s a matter of course. And finally, we advise you to watch and listen to a speech about this by one of the callers, who was just expelled from his house with the deprivation of those Sharia rights, by the protection of which these scoundrels justify their abominations.
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