“Formation of all-Russian civil identity of Muslims of Russia”: students are being prepared to become a victim of the “Russian world”

“Formation of all-Russian civil identity of Muslims of Russia”: students are being prepared to become a victim of the “Russian world”

Mobilization revealed for a Russian layman all the flaws in the Russian system, and they became obvious to everyone. With the beginning of mobilization, the system becomes so ragged and vulnerable that those acts of resistance that had no chance before become not only possible, but necessary, they are in demand and spread everywhere.

But, in order to help Russian power and to preserve the remnants of its authority in the eyes of the Muslim peoples, in the same Kazan for students of the Russian Islamic Institute, a brainwashing course for Muslim youth called “Formation of all-Russian civil identity of Muslims of Russia” is being started. Here is what «Кол Шәриф» tells about it.

In addition to the invited lecturers, the course will be taught by Ali Vyacheslav Polosin, who has good understanding of this topic and its financing, the ideologist and organizer of the adoption of the well-known “shameful fatwa” adopted by representatives of the Russian Muslim official clergy in Vladikavkaz on March 16, 2022, in which the attack of Putin’s Russia on Ukraine is called “jihad”, and Russian occupiers from the representatives of the Muslim peoples who died participating in it are called “shahids”. https://telegra.ph/Fetva-chalmanoscev—sluzhitelej…

The essence of the so-called “all-Russian civil identity of the Muslims of Russia” is to be cannon fodder of the “Russian world” in the struggle for the preservation of Russian power and its feeder.

We remind you that the Civil Identity of Muslims of Russia textbook was published for religious universities, madrasahs and mosques.

This is a book about how Muslims should position themselves in the country in view of Islamic values.

On the back side of the cover there is a famous saying of the Prophet Muhammad, “The Prophet asked, “Should I tell you about a believer? (This is the one) to whom people entrust their property and souls. A Muslim is (this is the one) who does not harm people with his tongue, not with his hands.”

Below is written:

“The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 400 of July 02, 2021

Extract. “93. The protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, culture and historical memory is ensured by solving the following tasks:

strengthening civil unity, all-Russian civil identity, interethnic and interfaith harmony, preserving the identity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation;

protection of historical truth, preservation of historical memory, continuity in the development of the Russian state and its historically established unity, counteraction to the falsification of history…”

Vyacheslav Polosin, professor of Bulgarian Islamic Academy and co-author, explained this edition as follows, “The combination of quotes indicates who the textbook is intended for – the future imams. It is they who will influence the mass consciousness of Muslims, rid it of stereotypes and lead to the norms of true Islam, giving high-quality religious thinking. Therefore, the textbook explains complex and eternal things with simple language and understandable words. That’s the principle of the tutorial.”

It was also noted that the textbook has three main approaches: the awareness of Muslims as Russians, the rejection of political Islam or Islamism in favor of Alvatonia (love for the Motherland) and the attitude towards other peoples and religions not just as neighbors, but as citizens of one country on the foundations of good neighborliness are based on the theological traditions of Russian Islam.

The textbook has already been introduced into the curriculum of 42 (12 universities and 30 madrasahs) out of 80 Islamic educational institutions of higher and middle levels.

We would like to remind you that, according to Wikipedia, civil identity is an individual sense of belonging to a community of citizens of a particular state, which allows the civil community to act as a collective subject.

The concept of “civil identity” has recently entered the pedagogical lexicon. It was widely talked about in connection with the discussion and adoption of federal state educational standards among the main priorities that set the task of forming the foundations of civil identity among students at school.

Historically, for many centuries Russia has struggled with the culture and worldview of the occupied Muslim peoples, in particular the Bashkirs, formed on the basis of Islam. Even Catherine II, who established the Spiritual Administration of Muslims, understood that only after the formation of the Russian way of thinking among the Muslim peoples Russian occupation power would be recognized, patriotism and love for the occupier and his state would be formed. Today, the same tasks have been set before the clergy, as well as to prevent the emergence of imams who could educate the younger generation not with pro-Russian views, but with views aimed at liberating Muslim lands colonized by Russia. We should not forget that Russia is still an imperial state that has not stopped carrying out genocide, violent baptism, exile and deportation of Muslim peoples, including Tatars and Bashkirs.


1 comment so far

下着 セクシー Posted on14:42 - 07.02.2024

Your posting lays bare the truth

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