Erzya approved structure of their national representative bodies

Erzya approved structure of their national representative bodies

One of the biggest Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in Russian Federation – Erzya – approved new system of national representative bodies. The corresponding decision was accepted by Atyan’ Ezem (erz. Elders’ Council) on May 1, 2020.

Statute on creation and functioning of national representative bodies of Erzya people consists of six chapters, describing aims and tasks of Erzya national movement, its governing bodies, their plenary powers and structure. According to the document, national movement directed by Promks – convention of delegates from Erzya political parties and public organizations. Convention forms Atyan’ Ezem, that is operative between Promks sessions and elects Inyazor (Chief Elder), who presents Erzya people and speaks on behalf of all the nation. In the event that there are any legal limitations for creation and operation of national parties (such prohibition exists in Russian Federation nowadays), then plenary powers of Promks are carried by Atyan’ Ezem. The main objective of Promks, Atyan’ Ezem and Inyazor, is to provide and defend national, political, economic and cultural rights of Erzya, including right to national self-determination within national Erzya territories. 

Newly adopted document was commented by Syres’ Boliayen’, Inyazor: “Erzya people face formidable challenges today: aggressive assimilatory policy, rapid population decline, ignoring of our rights and needs by republican and federal Russian authorities. Individual activists aren’t able to overcome these challenges. It’s not enough to keep folk traditions in families to save our nation from extinction in global world. If we want to survive, then we have no right to remain passive. Erzya must be united, otherwise ХХІ century can become the last in history of our nation. That’s’ why I worked out Statute and put it for discussion by Atyan’ Ezem. Statute is designed to restructure our national movement and make it more effective. Already in May 2020 Erzya will see the very first practical steps in Kirdiyur (that means all bodies of national movement) functioning. Our aims are ambitious and realizing them is possible only with understanding and support of Erzya people. We count on this support”.

Also Atyan’ Ezem approved its workplan-2020, including such priorities as preparation to all-russian census, popularization of Erzya language, new phase of campaign for opening Erzya gymnasium in Saransk, involvement of young people into national movement.

Statute on creation and functioning of national representative bodies of Erzya people is available at Inyazor’s official web-site.


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