Chuvash diaspora in Ukraine suddenly changed their mind to develop native language
December 1, 2018 Nadezhda Lisova, chairperson of Chuvash diaspora association in Ukraine, declared that Chuvash community is denied the opportunity to study their mother tongue. On behalf of Chuvash diasporea mrs. Lisova expressed regret, that Chuvash sunday-schools are absent in Ukraine, and Chuvash language as special discipline is not studied in higher educational establishments.
In reply to this statement Syres’ Boliayen’, co-founder of Free Idel-Ural civic movement, made a proposal to mrs. Lisova to choose one of well-known works of Chuvash literature and voice it in a professional audio recording studio. Mr. Boliayen’ also expressed his willingness to cover all expences on audio recording studio leasing and sound producer’s work through resources of Free Idel-Ural movement.
Unfortunately, but after two weeks of reflections mrs.Nadezhda Lisova, chairperson of the Chuvash Chuvash diaspora association in Ukraine, said no to our initiative to record an audiobook in Chuvash language.
Taking the opportunity, we again declare our openness to collaboration with Chuvash diaspora and diaspores of other Idel-Ural peoples both in Ukraine and over whole Europe.
We are also informing, that Free Idel-Ural continues the project to record audiobooks in Erzyan language entitled “Ekshka val” (erz. “Secret word”). As at 21.12.2018 stories of Alexander “Frenchman” Tikshaikin are completely recorded, and within next few days will be avialable in free access.
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