An anti-war stand with the words “Bāpçācāp tēnče” (“Peace without War”) and a monument to the letter Ā: the Chuvash in Ulyanovsk declare their position

The Chuvash holiday Akatuy (the end of spring field work) has been celebrated in Ulyanovsk for 30 years, but this year an anti-war stand appeared at the celebration with the words “Bāpçācāp tēnche” – for those who do not know Chuvash, it was duplicated in Russian: “Peace without war”.
Moreover, in the Simbirsk Chuvash Teachers’ School, where the Chuvash enlightener Ivan Yakovlev conducted his teaching activities, a monument to the letter Ā was erected.
Telegram Channel «Сердитая Чувашия» (“Angry Chuvashia”) says that, according to the idea of sculptor Viktor Yegorov, the memorial sign symbolizes the main archetype of the Chuvash worldview in folklore – combination of the upper, middle and lower worlds.

The Chuvash national-cultural autonomy is quite influential and numerous in Ulyanovsk oblast. According to the 2021 census, there are about 111,000 Chuvash people in the region. More than 1,200 children study Chuvash as a native language at school.
On the example of the Chuvash from Ulyanovsk, representatives of all the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation can see that it is possible to defend their position even in today’s realities if they are united, rather than try to resist the empire alone.
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