Activists demand Russia to free Airat Dilmukhametov
On April 13, 2019 Free Idel-Ural civic movement picketed diplomatic missions of Russian Federation in USA and Ukraine. Activists demanded from Russian authorities to stop pursuit of Airat Dilmukhametov, Bashkir politician, arrested on March 15, for a videoaddress to opposition Forum of free Russia, where Dilmukhametov called to “reconstitute Russian Federation again”.
“Moscow actively works on elimination of national republics. Repressions on disloyal organizations, politicians and public activists are conducted to that end. They arrest those activists, who has some firmness to protect sovereignty of their republics, to defend national and political rights for their people. Actually, Airat belongs to a minority of really zealous patriots, whose freedom is very undesirable for Russian authorities”, – Nafis Kashapov, organizer of picketing in Dilmukhametov’s support in Kyiv, commented.
Picket participants came to diplomatic offices of Russia with flags of Idel-Ural republics and banners saying “Freedom for Boris Stomakhin! Freedom for Oleg Sentsov! Freedom for Airat Dilmukhametov!”, “Freedom for prisoners of state!”. Russian diplomats ignored activists who still chanted the requirements loud and clear.
“Kremlin regime works in a very cynical way. Moscow not just limits our rights, but also imprisons those, who stands up on defence of their motherland and native people. At the same time Russian propaganda yells, that “Look, nobody needs sovereignty, all people are satisfied!” Undoubtedly, repressions stop most people from protest. However, arrests and intimidations are not able to decide problems, they only complicate them. Kremlin believes that prisons are the foundation of Russian Federation. They are wrong. Less and less people wish to live in a jail. Airat Dilmukhametov is one of those. We are here today to support Airat, support Bashkir patriots and their struggle”, – Kamil Sukaev, representative of Free Idel-Ural in the USA, explained.
People who weren’t physically able to take part in pickets, also supported the initiative. People all over the world made photos with “Free Airat Dilmukhametov!” slogan, publishing in social networks with #FreeAirathashtag.
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