800 residents of Shodygol village in Mari El have been suffering from water shortages for more than three years
There are no wells or boreholes in the village due to the structure of the soil. The locals were promised that everything would be fixed for 25 million rubles by installing 2 water towers. One tower was installed, but it is not enough – 2 towers are needed in order to have the proper water pressure with a water pipeline length of 13 km. Locals can collect water only at night – when no one else in the neighboring village takes water, then there is enough pressure. First, one contractor missed the construction deadline, then the second one did the same. Now the construction has completely quieted down.
“When the rain passes, there will be water for you,” this is the quote from the local officials.
Meanwhile, Marvodstroy is working on water supply systems in the newly captured part of Zaporizhzhya region. There, water pipelines are being built not for the local residents, but for the colonists and to supply water to railway stations on the new railway around the Sea of Azov, along which soldiers and military cargo will move primarily, as well as tourists, with whom Russia intends to cover the military transportation, like with a human shield. .
People worked all their lives, paid taxes, waited for the opportunity to have a rest when they would retire… They have waited – now stand in lines to collect water, without which they will not be able to start the washing machine or wash properly. Live and be glad that you were born in the Great Country, which threw all its strength into saving distant Russian-speaking Ukrainian brothers from the mythical fascists. Just do not forget to warn the suffering Ukrainians that there is no water in our village… Normal tap water! We will save you… and you will not have water either! But at least you will be able to tell everyone that you are great too!
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