The stranglehold of poverty is dragging on: which Russian regions are already left without money in their accounts?

Six Russian regions were left with no money in their accounts, including Buryatia, which actively supplies personnel for the war in Ukraine. The Moscow Times writes about it. The funds were directed for covering „holes“ in local budgets.
„They have nothing left. Six regions of Russia have exhausted the remaining budget reserves and entered 2023 with complete or almost complete lack of funds in their accounts,“ the publication reports. These are the Republic of Tyva, Kalmykia, Buryatia, Karelia, Murmansk region and Chukotka autonomous district.
Starting from autumn, every third region faced a tax shortfall, and five regions experienced a complete collapse of revenues. Some individuals were forced to actively spend their savings, and others „have eaten“ them without a residue.
However, according to experts, there are regions in the Russian Federation in which the „cash cushion“ increased by 13% in 2022 and reached 2.28 trillion rubles. The publication does not inform who was so lucky, and it is not known whether it concerns regions or individuals.
We remind you that the Russian Federation has already openly started emission and printed 0.5 trillion rubles. Whatever the Kremlin’s legends about this phenomenon are, the real reason for the increase in the money supply is the catastrophic situation of the Russian treasury.
Already in the second half of 2023, the Central Bank of the terrorist country will be forced to print money to cover the budget deficit, which will lead to the financial collapse of the aggressor state. Such a forecast was given by Andriy Pyshnyi, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine. And we really want to believe that this will be the case.
The materials were prepared by Polina Romanova, the Ukrainian Women’s Guard, for the Free Idel-Ural
Russian Federation, Russia, disintegration of Russia, war, special operation, Free Idel-Ural
Six Russian regions were left with no money in their accounts, including Buryatia, which actively supplies personnel for the war in Ukraine. The Moscow Times writes about it. The funds were directed for covering „holes“ in local budgets.
„They have nothing left. Six regions of Russia have exhausted the remaining budget reserves and entered 2023 with complete or almost complete lack of funds in their accounts,“ the publication reports. These are the Republic of Tyva, Kalmykia, Buryatia, Karelia, Murmansk region and Chukotka autonomous district.
Starting from autumn, every third region faced a tax shortfall, and five regions experienced a complete collapse of revenues. Some individuals were forced to actively spend their savings, and others „have eaten“ them without a residue.
However, according to experts, there are regions in the Russian Federation in which the „cash cushion“ increased by 13% in 2022 and reached 2.28 trillion rubles. The publication does not inform who was so lucky, and it is not known whether it concerns regions or individuals.
We remind you that the Russian Federation has already openly started emission and printed 0.5 trillion rubles. Whatever the Kremlin’s legends about this phenomenon are, the real reason for the increase in the money supply is the catastrophic situation of the Russian treasury.
Already in the second half of 2023, the Central Bank of the terrorist country will be forced to print money to cover the budget deficit, which will lead to the financial collapse of the aggressor state. Such a forecast was given by Andriy Pyshnyi, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine. And we really want to believe that this will be the case.
The materials were prepared by Polina Romanova, the Ukrainian Women’s Guard, for the Free Idel-Ural
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