Free Idel-Ural requests TURKSOY to stand up for Bairamova and Saitova

Free Idel-Ural requests TURKSOY to stand up for Bairamova and Saitova

Rafis Kashapov, co-founder of Free Idel-Ural civic movement, have appealed to Dusen Kasseinov, International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) Secretary General.

In his appeal Kashapov focuses on disempowered position of Turkic peoples in Russian Federation as well as draws attention of the intended recipient to repressions against Fauziya Bairamova, Tatar writer, and Ramilya Saitova, Bashkir public activist.

“Often enough TURKSOY uses concept of “Turkic world” in its organizational activity. It is even mentioned on the official web-site that “TURKSOY is the heart of cultural life of the whole Turkic world”. However in practice we can see existence of two different “turkic worlds”. One of these two is a world of concerts, festivals, literary readings. In this world everybody celebrates Novruz amicably, opens photo-exhibitions and conduct song competitions. To our greatest regret, very few Turks inhabit this world. Majority of us Turks actually live in another, completely realistic turkic world, where a 70-years-old female writer is persecuted for her love to Tatar language; where a Bashkir patriot could be legally declared mentally ill,” Kashapov said.

Author of the appeal encourages TURKSOY to stand up Fauziya Bairamova, Tatar writer, and Ramilya Saitova and “demand the abatement of persecution against them” from Moscow.      

“I do not cherish any illusions that position of TURKSOY can really stop Moscow repressions. The important thing here is to overcome fragmentation in the Turkic world. We should make words “One umma – one pain!” not just another nice poetic phrase, but the real life motto for Turks” Kashapov summarized.


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